Funny quilting memes from

Done is Better than Perfect

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This morning I saw this very sad post in a quilting group I belong to on Facebook:

“I placed a post back last month about the lack of motivation in quilting. I have just lost the desire. I now have figured it out. By looking at your post I’m just not any good. Even you beginners are making quilts that I would not dream of attempting. I have been at it three years joined a guild and I still am no good.  I have lots of stash that might be up for sale.
Just feel so worthless.”

Do you ever feel like this quilter — that your quilting isn’t good enough to spend your time on, or to show to the world? I hope you don’t. But if you do, I’d like to suggest being extra kind to yourself and your quilting this year, and banishing the word “Perfect” from your quilting vocabulary.

Here’s the reply I wrote to the sad quilter’s post:

“I have been quilting for many years and still would not call myself a good quilter. I keep quilting because I love fabric and because it’s fun. I long ago decided not to worry about all the many, many quilters who do it better than I do. I hope you can find a way to get back your love of quilting. I’ll bet that anyone who ever got a quilt from you thinks it’s a treasure and doesn’t even notice any imperfections in your quilting.”

And here are some of my favorite reasons to keep quilting in 2017:

  1. Having FUN. Because what’s more fun than playing with fabric and thread?
  2. Creating something with your own hands and your own ingenuity.
  3. Giving something unique and personal to family or friends.
  4. Contributing something useful to a charity like Quilts of Valor, which gives quilts to wounded soldiers, or one of the many charities that provides quilts for children in need.
  5. Taking a break from housework, or office work, or yard work, or any kind of work!
  6. Taking part in the worldwide community of people who share your love of quilting.

If you think of any I’ve missed, please leave your idea in the comments.

Wishing you a year of happy quilting in 2017.

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  1. I feel like this often. As to what you may be missing in your list of reasons to get quilting…..I have gastroparesis and chronic pain. Working with the fabric helps get your mind in a different place. I also do stained glass but don’t always feel well enough to go in the basement and start cutting. Working with fabric is easier as i can do it in my living room. I can sit in the recliner with a heating pad on my tummy and cut out pieces or pin them together.

    1. You’re so right, Margaret — quilting as a kind of meditation. I should add that to the list. I find feeling of absorption that takes you out of your current time and place is true of other kinds of creative work, too.

      1. Hi Ms. Walker – I am in a FB quilting group and a gal recently posted about your Quilting for Beginners book. It is posted on Amazon for around $85 (the cheapest). Is there another avenue to get this book? Thank you for any information you can help me with.

        1. Hi Shelly, Quilts for Beginners is no longer available new on Amazon because we have come out with an expanded and improved version of the book, called A Beginner’s Guide to Quilting. The expanded book comes with more quilts to make, plus four bonus fabric quilt labels, four bonus quilt block tutorials, and two quilting needles. The new book is also spiral bound to lie flat next to your sewing machine. You can buy it through the link or order it at your local book store. As for the old version of the book, I have no idea why people price used books at such ridiculous prices, but I see them being offered all over Amazon. It’s a mystery!

  2. I know I am not a perfect quilter. Actually I have only made one so far, but I was thinking who would appreciate all the work that goes into it. So I like to quilt and use up scraps ( that is my problem, all scraps doesn’t look good together). My thought was to make and give to homeless shelter, or goodwill,,Maybe they will at least keep somone warm. A child loves their own blanket. So that is what I am aiming to do. Another one is to the animal shelter. Oh well, I guess there is someone who would like one.

    1. If you are looking for people to give quilts to, Vicke, I would start with your family and friends. A quilt handmade by you is a treasure they can never get from anyone else. After that, charity quilts are also a lovely thing to make.

  3. In your flag downward design tutorial, your flag is displayed going down in the wrong direction. When flag is downward, the blue (stars) lead the way into battle…meaning it should be on the left side. As you instruct others please consider doing it the correct way. Proper flag displaying… thanks

      1. Whenever I’m lonely or feeling sad, creating something for someone I love or someone in need, takes my mind off myself and think of the joy I’m bringing to others. Quilts especially are appreciated by others.

  4. Oh my. I had those times when our two kiddos where in high school. Fortunatly I voiced them to the kids only. Both of them were not hard on me or told me to just give up then. Instead, as I look back on it now, they both worked on me to over come my perfectionism to a degree and look at what I am giving away and how it makes others feel. Wow I am so grateful to the two of them. I know I am not perfect, but at the same time, when I do gift something, I see how it makes others feel. they don’t see the imperfections (which there are plenty) instead they see the gift for what it is and I can say for sure that they are all loved. thanks for reminding us about this. I sure hope what you said helped her.

    1. Having supportive friends and family members like yours can make all the difference. Thanks for your encouraging words, Lori. It’s easy to be hard on yourself, but much happier if you can accept your own imperfections.

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